168 days
5 months, 15 days
14,515,200 seconds...well not now!
241,920 minute (from this minute)
4032 hours
24 weeks
until...Karrie is 50.
I just got slammed with the picture of Dorothy at the witch's castle looking at the hourglass! Wait...time out...that's not what I mean!
I mean, I am deciding to think of the next 168 in a distinct way. Between now and November 22, I have set a goal of choosing at least one activity that makes me feel more "real." An activity that I already know makes me feel whole and integrated, that makes me feel "big and tall" and strong. I also, gulp, am deciding to set a fitness and weight goal, and a resources goal. (I'm trying not to use the terms money or savings or financial!)
I feel new life taking root in dirt that is being tended to. At least, dirt that has been recognized. The dirt of myself, and surroundings of place and people, and resources. Only a little work on the dirt produces significant results. That continues to become evident. In the next 168 days, I am going to pay attention to the dirt. I am going to promise to prepare the dirt in a way that gives new life a better chance. All I can do is prepare and care for the dirt.
Today I will ride my bike to Meeting. I will do yoga. I will play tennis. I will pay my bills. I am already writing. I am sitting up straight. I am grateful that the universe/God hears my true heart's desires.
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